2 February 2015

Visual Representation Portfolios - Year 3

During their Visual Representations topic, the Year 3 children have been learning all about digital portfolios. They used Google Slides to create their own digital portfolio of work to share with their parents during Student Led Conferences. 

During this project, the children learnt so many new ICT skills and had plenty of opportunities to practice skills they already knew. Here is a (very long) list of skills they used during this topic: 
  • Creating a Google Slide Presentation 
  • Choosing a slide layout 
  • Choosing a slide theme 
  • Inserting text boxes
  • Changing font, font colour and size 
  • Inserting and moving images 
  • Cropping images
  • Rotating images
  • Adding slide transitions 
  • Adding transitions to text and images 
  • Understanding the different between "on click" and "with or after previous" transitions
PHEW!! That's a lot of skills!!!!!!! 

OK - time to look at the results of all this hard work! Here are some example slides taken from a variety of different presentations! I hope you are impressed.

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