Apps for Numeracy

The following is a list of some of the apps that have been installed on the school iPads to assist the children with their numeracy skills.

Math Evolve
This app was specifically requested by a student! A fun way to learn mathmetiacal skills.
Monster Math
Simple counting, addition and subtraction with fun little monsters!
At ISH, all students from Year 2 upwards have a Mathletics account. We also have the Mathletics app on the iPads at school so they can log in during the day if they have free time or during their maths lessons and have fun with the games on the app. The children really love using Mathletics.
Talk Maths
We use Abacus by Pearson to assist with our maths curriculum. Abacus has a great iPad app called Talk Maths which is suitable for Years 4 upwards. This app encourages group work to solve mathematical problems linked to the curriculum. Maths CAN be fun!
iTooch Math
Another fun and interactive maths app for the iPad. Specific apps for each yeargroup ensure children are learning at their correct level.
Numbers is the one of the best spreadsheet apps available for iPad. You can make spreadsheets with tables, charts, photos, and graphics. Enter data and explore results. A great app for years 5 and 6.
Magic Plan
A fantastic app! This app measures rooms and draws the floor plan for you! Great for discussing maps and birds eye views! The year 4 children use this to design their own bedrooms and the year 5 children use it to design their own Mars Base.


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