Firstly, we have been working on Google Drive a lot. Year 5 and 6 each have their own personal Google Drive accounts. All the other year groups have a year group account which is logged on already on the iPads. So the year 5 children have been practicing logging on to their own Google Drive.
We have also been very clever this year and have created a folder specifically to share work with their teacher which allows their teacher to view and print out work.
The next exciting thing is .............
Yeah. We FINALLY have Apple TV in the Year 5 and 6 classrooms which makes teaching with an iPad soooooo much easier and fun! It is great for the children to be able to show their iPad screen on the whiteboard without having to plug it into a cable! It is great for me as a teacher to be able to walk around the classroom with my iPad, giving the iPad to various children, without having to stand at the front of the classroom attached with a cable to the whiteboard!! This tiny little black box has changed my teaching this year. If you haven't got one, and you teach with iPads, you MUST invest in one in your classroom!
And finally, the year 5 children have been working so hard this half term on creating books in the style of the Mr Men series for Language Arts. They have been using the app Book Creator to make these. I am really looking forward to posting some of the finished books so please return soon to look at them!
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