14 April 2015

Year 6: Electrical Games

The Year 6 children have been extremely busy designing and creating Electrical Games as part of the their IPC topic. 

This year, as they have their own iPads, they used the app Book Creator to create Interactive eBooks to demonstrate their planning, design and completed game. They worked in groups and incorporated text, photographs, videos and sound to make some wonderful collaborative books. 

Here are some of the finished results saved as videos. 

Year 4: Newspaper Reports

In Language Arts, the Year 4 children have been looking at Newspaper Reports. We discussed the difference between Fiction and Non Fiction and then discussed what would happen if we wrote a newspaper report about a fictional story!

Well ..... we decided to try it out! And wrote a newspaper report based on a traditional tale. The children spent a lot of time coming up with the news to write and focused on a particular part of each tale.

Here are some of the finished results!

20 February 2015

Updated Apps!

Check out the pages on the left side of the blog to see some new, updated app lists. These apps are used in various curriculum areas across the whole of the school!

We are constantly researching and updating the apps installed on our iPads. If you have any suggestions for apps that would improve teaching and learning, feel free to let me know!

Vicki Doamekpor

13 February 2015

Timeline 3D App

Timeline 3D 

We have a new app - oooh I love new things!

Years 4 and 5 have been looking at Timelines during their IPC Topics. We used this app to create a 3D interactive timeline to include pictures, videos and information about historic events.

This app really brings timelines to life and the children were particularly excited to see how the 3D side of the app works when presenting their work!

A great feature of this app, is that it automatically puts events into chronological order so children can create their timeline as they are learning about new events. They do not have to wait for the knowledge before starting to create the timeline.

The children are busy working on their timelines and I look forward to sharing some finished ones in the near future.

2 February 2015

Visual Representation Portfolios - Year 3

During their Visual Representations topic, the Year 3 children have been learning all about digital portfolios. They used Google Slides to create their own digital portfolio of work to share with their parents during Student Led Conferences. 

During this project, the children learnt so many new ICT skills and had plenty of opportunities to practice skills they already knew. Here is a (very long) list of skills they used during this topic: 
  • Creating a Google Slide Presentation 
  • Choosing a slide layout 
  • Choosing a slide theme 
  • Inserting text boxes
  • Changing font, font colour and size 
  • Inserting and moving images 
  • Cropping images
  • Rotating images
  • Adding slide transitions 
  • Adding transitions to text and images 
  • Understanding the different between "on click" and "with or after previous" transitions
PHEW!! That's a lot of skills!!!!!!! 

OK - time to look at the results of all this hard work! Here are some example slides taken from a variety of different presentations! I hope you are impressed.

21 January 2015

Treasure Maps in Year 4

During their Treasure topic, the Year 4 children designed treasure maps using their Google Drive accounts.

They used Google Drawing to create these maps and paid particular attention to the following ICT skills:

  • Creating unusual shapes using different line styles 
  • Line thickness and colour 
  • Searching for .png images on Google Chrome 
  • Copy and paste using keyboard shortcuts
  • Rotating, moving and adjusting the size of images 
After working really hard, they are extremely proud of their work, as am I! Here are some of the finished maps. 

12 January 2015

Year 3 Visual Representations: Van Gogh

As part of their Visual Representations topic, the year 3 children have been using the computers to recreate famous paintings of famous artists.

This week, we looked at some of Van Gogh's paintings. The children chose their favourite to draw on the computers.

We used the website Sumopaint, which has a huge number of different brush styles which helped the children draw some amazing pictures. They learnt how to change the brush type, size and colour, how to undo and redo and how to save their work once finished.

Here are some of the finished drawings.

8 January 2015

Year 6: Mind Mapping on the iPads

The Year 6 children have been coming up with different ways to use their iPads in all areas of the curriculum.

There are many great apps available for educational use and one that is used in the Year 6 classrooms is the mind mapping app SimpleMind.

In Language Arts the children have been looking at Newspapers. They used the app to record details of mind maps in a logical and creative way. Here are some of the final pieces of work they created. 

5 January 2015

Happy New Year!!

I hope you had a lovely Christmas holiday! 

2015 is an exciting year! We are planning lots of interesting ICT activities this year and I am really looking forward to sharing work with you! 

Mrs D

19 December 2014

Happy Christmas from Year 6!

Here are some Christmas poems written by Year 6 on their iPads to get you in the mood for Christmas!

Enjoy your holiday and see you in 2015!!

Mrs D